This is just comical. On Friday, our lovely Senators worked for about an hour and a half, and came back to work today at 2:00 pm. What's on the table today? Consideration of the House Message to accompany H.R.1586.
I'm not sure exactly where I stand on this issue. I work in an industry that relies heavily on Federal funding for State Medicaid and Medicare programs; However, I resent the fact that I am working hard to provide food, shelter, and medical assistance to illegal aliens. I also resent that I am contributing to a money-sucking government program like Medicare, that will be bankrupt before my plans to retire. So, where does that leave me? As usual, somewhere in the middle - which as we all know, the people in the middle ALWAYS seem to get overlooked.
Contact your Senators and Representatives:
Senate directory
House of Representatives directory
Tell them you'd like to know about how they plan to fund all these Federal programs AND offset the rising National debt. Tell them you know the two biggest potholes are Medicare and Defense, and you'd like to know where that leaves everything else on the priority list (education, jobs, etc.).
I'd love to hear about any of the responses you receive, so please post them here.
As always, keep your voices loud and clear!