Tuesday, June 29, 2010

My Top 5

Ways the government can and will improve the U.S. economy and unemployment situation:

  1. Close the damn borders!  All illegals without proper documentation will be given 90 days to leave (in 90 days we will see many new job openings).
  2. Limit or temporarily shut down the trade agreement with China.  The fact that most of our goods are purchased from China vs. the U.S. is embarrassing and not doing us any favors.
  3. Impose heavy fines or taxes on big corporations who are sending jobs overseas, or require they pay the same minimum wages;  You'll see how quickly those jobs make it back to America.
  4. Encourage education and promote forward thinking so that our nation can produce the next Great Innovation instead of China, India, or Japan.
  5. Impose the death penalty for all Rapists and Murderers who have been convicted via DNA evidence.  If any liberals want to scream "Inhumane!", then let them build a prison in their backyard and pay millions to keep these criminals locked up for the next 40 - 50 years!


  1. I vote Yea to all of these suggestions. Great work.

  2. Love it. I would also give big tax breaks to businesses who don't outsource any jobs to foreign countries.

  3. Anonymous - Well said, I definitely agree we should reward companies who play by the rules and benefit the majority of Americans. Thank you for your comments!
