We just completed our protest in our nation's capitol this past 4th of July weekend. While our protest was very small (my wife, our two youngest and myself), we were recognized by many who were in town to enjoy the festivities. This was our first trip to DC. While I wish it was under better circumstances, we remained upbeat and pushed on the fight for many millions of unemployed Americans who don't have the time or funds to do so themselves. The unfortunate part of the whole thing is so many have no idea what goes on in Washington. They are dumbfounded by this and many other issues.
The problem is that there are huge numbers who agree with us and feel for the plight of the unemployed, but yet so many unwilling to give their time to even listen to the horrific stories of the growing number of suffering Americans. From Republicans blatantly calling the unemployed lazy, drug users who make no attempt at finding work, to the Democrats who refuse to use any of their slush (I mean stimulus) funds to meet the GOP in the middle. Then you have the media who find the unemployment story as sexy as two hippos in the sack. While at the 4th of July parade in downtown DC, my wife and I carried, raised and had pictures taken with our protest signs. Yet when I found a local TV news team taping bits for the news, they paid us no attention even though I walked right into their view and asked for a bit of time. I was brushed aside with the excuse that they don't do protest pieces when shooting the parade. Instead they drag an older lady in for an interview, who's dressed in 4th of July regalia and holding a squirter bottle with a fan attached. The newsman asks her what she is doing down on the parade route (uhhh, watching the parade?) and about that oh so crazy fan she was carrying (very unusual when it's over 90 degrees, not!).
The curse that the unemployed carry is the stigma that we are lazy dirt bags looking for a handout, toothless idiots undeserving of media attention, or even worse - a group that the government would rather just brush under a rug, than ever hear from again. While our efforts this weekend were small, I do feel we brought more attention to the plight of close to 30 million Americans (that is much closer to the real number affected). Our family will keep doing our best to help anyone from ever forgetting about this issue and those affected, whether you are recently unemployed or one of the 99'ers.
A final note to all. If you ever protesting in DC and try to enter a museum don't do it with your signs, because the First Amendment doesn't hold true within those walls for some reason. I was asked to get rid of them or I couldn't enter. I chose the later. So much for free speech in public places. This government has gotten way to big for its britches. Our fore fathers were rolling in their grave this weekend as our current politicians do their best to ruin what they so bravely began.
Written by EW (most grateful husband of JW)
You don't have to be Democrat, Republican, or even Independent to see that our country is in danger. Join me and stand up for freedom, liberty, and justice! Tell America that we are tired of losing OUR vote to Wall Street, big banks, and lobbyists! We want our jobs back from China, India, and illegal immigrants! “It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds” - Samuel Adams
Great to see you made it to DC. Millions of us are with you, thank you for spreading the word. We need to do all we can to call attention to this national emergency. Then Remember in November and future elections those who voted in favor of Unemployment Insurance Extensions and those who did not.