Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wars, Gays, Unpaid Taxes, and Everything but..............JOBS!

It's been awhile since I've posted.  This is mostly due to my busy work and family schedule, however I have also been too angry and upset with our elected officials lately to muster up the effort to comment. 

So here goes:

When I turn on the News, or open the newspaper, there is an abundance of information relating to "Don't Ask, Don't Tell", "The Dream Act", whether or not the Senate will pass another $700 Billion dollars for our National Defense, Tea Party victories over incumbent Republican Senators, and everything else in between.  Frankly, I don't care about these things!  Most Americans want to know when they will be able to go back to work.

I have made calls, and I have sent letters to my Representatives and Senators, all to no avail.  I am sick of hearing about our Defense budget, or whether or not it's okay for gays in the military to come out of the closet;  These things have absolutely no bearing on my life, liberty, or pursuit of happiness.  Honestly, I would be really surprised if this was a priority for a gay U.S. soldier fighting in Afghanistan right now! 

America needs a change.  Wake up!  Whatever party you are aligned with, is not out for your best interests.  Banks, Corporations, and Insurance Companies have taken over America; And unless we do something about it, our children are destined for an ultimately miserable future.

I don't have all of the answers.  I don't know when Americans, collectively as a society became lazy fools with entitlement issues.  All I know is that my husband needs a job, he is willing to do anything to work, but no one will hire him.

Please call or write your officials.  Tell them you don't want YOUR tax dollars funding wars, illegal immigrants, or bank bailouts.  If you have any suggestions for creating jobs, share them!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Weekly Update

This is just comical.  On Friday, our lovely Senators worked for about an hour and a half, and came back to work today at 2:00 pm.  What's on the table today?  Consideration of the House Message to accompany H.R.1586.

I'm not sure exactly where I stand on this issue.  I work in an industry that relies heavily on Federal funding for State Medicaid and Medicare programs;  However, I resent the fact that I am working hard to provide food, shelter, and medical assistance to illegal aliens.  I also resent that I am contributing to a money-sucking government program like Medicare, that will be bankrupt before my plans to retire.  So, where does that leave me?  As usual, somewhere in the middle - which as we all know, the people in the middle ALWAYS seem to get overlooked.

Contact your Senators and Representatives:

Senate directory

House of Representatives directory

Tell them you'd like to know about how they plan to fund all these Federal programs AND offset the rising National debt.  Tell them you know the two biggest potholes are Medicare and Defense, and you'd like to know where that leaves everything else on the priority list (education, jobs, etc.).

I'd love to hear about any of the responses you receive, so please post them here.

As always, keep your voices loud and clear!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

What Congress decided to do with YOUR money

Yesterday, despite staggering opposition, the House voted to fund another 59 billion dollars for the war in Afghanistan.  Hello!  This is YOUR money people!  Stand up and demand change from these fools in Washington.  They obviously have no clue what is best for America.

Also, yesterday the Senate failed to pass Campaign financial reform that would require full disclosure from contributors to campaign advertisements, like big banks, Wall Street, and big oil companies who are only out for their best interests.  This was done on the basis that it would be prohibiting basic first amendment rights of the Corporations.  Come on!  Who are they kidding?!  So, this November, when you see the T.V. ads, you'll have to sit and wonder if a corporation is really behind the 'Citizens for a Better America' campaigns that support a Republican who's in bed with the Wall Street bank that is mishandling your money!

I don't know about you, but I sure as hell would rather OUR money be spent on things like creating more jobs in America and taxing and penalizing the holy hell out of those corporations who are sending OUR jobs overseas!  What is China going to do if we tell them we're going to raise their taxes on products imported into the U.S.?  If they threatened not to sell to us anymore, so what?!  They'd either give in after a few weeks of significantly decreased cash-flow, or we'd manufacture our own goods and be fine anyways!

A final tidbit of information for you to share as you wish:

In 1886, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of Southern Pacific Railroad, in the Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad Company, 118 U.S. 394, which entitles corporations to protection under the 14th Amendment.   This basically gave corporations the same rights as individuals, and has paved the way for so much of the B.S. we see today.

Read More Here

This is just another example of how 9 UNELECTED judges (yes, in case you haven't noticed, these judges are appointed by the President) are constantly defying democracy and ultimately deciding your future, my future, and the future of many generations to come.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Weekly Update

It's been a long and exhausting week.  First, the Senate was finally able to pass a watered down version of H.R. 4213, which extends Unemployment Benefits to millions of Americans through November 30.  It does not extend the $25 per week, Federal Additional Compensation benefit.  After a nearly 2 month battle over bread and butter to millions of Americans, this bill made its way down to the House, and finally, the President, on Saturday.

Let's see what else our politicians were able to sneak through this week:



  • Your U.S. House & Senate have voted themselves raises at $4,700 in the House and $5,300 in the Senate.

  • They voted to not give you a Social Security cost of living raise in 2010 and 2011

  • Your Medicare premiums will go up $285.60 for the 2-years and you will not get the 3% COLA: $660/yr. Your total 2-yr loss and cost is -$1,600 each or -$3,200 for husband and wife

  • Over 2-yrs The House & Senate each get $10,000 raises
Do you feel SCREWED?

WILL your cost of drugs - doctor fees - local taxes - food, etc., increase? You better believe they will!

WILL THEIRS?  NO WAY .. They have a raise and better benefits. Why care about you?  You never did anything about it in the past..

You're obviously too stupid or don't care. No offense; just making a point!

Do you really think that Nancy, Harry, Chris, Charlie, Barnie, et al, care about you?




It is ok to forward this to your sphere of influence if you are finally tired of the abuse.

Maybe it's time for the........ 28th Amendment

"Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the Senators or Representatives, and Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators or Representatives that does not apply equally to the citizens of the United States .."

Let's get this passed around, folks - these people in Washington have brought this upon themselves!!! It's time for retribution. Let's take back America .

If you don't do anything in November, then you are just part of the problem of national apathy.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Weekly Update

Well, it seems the waiting is over finally for the Unemployed.  West Virginia Governor Joe Manchin has appointed Carte Goodwin as the late Senator Byrd's replacement.  Goodwin was formerly chief counsel to Governor Manchin and is an attorney in Charleston, West Virginia.  Hopefully, Goodwin will provide the necessary vote to extend Unemployment benefits to millions of Unemployed Americans.

The Senate is expected to vote on the measure next Tuesday afternoon, after Goodwin is sworn in.  I hope all of you Unemployed still remember this Senate's lousy display of concern for Middle-Class Amercia during the past few months, even after these benefits are extended.  Your elected officials, Democrat or Republican, could care less about the suffering of hard-working families, no matter what they may say on T.V. for their precious campaigns. 

With the recent passing of Financial Reform, banks will be even tighter, and it will be even more difficult for most Americans to fulfill the American Dream, as they probably won't qualify for a home loan.  Many Unemployed have ruined their credit, while attempting to support their families, and there is NOTHING Congress will do about it.  You are on your own.  I'd like to ask President Obama how the hell these people are supposed to carry on after their lives have been ruined by Wall Street?  Are they proposing to wipe the credit slate clean for the 30+ million Americans who are without a job, just as they did for AIG or Guldmann Sachs?  I doubt it.  And so should you.  Remember exactly how you feel about the situation you are in right now;  And carry that feeling with you to the polls this November.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Boycott the New Muslim Stamp approved by ..........

Of course, none other than President Obama-lama-ding-dong.  Thanks to my Mother who produced this tidbit of information today:

The United States Postal Service has a 44 cent first-class stamp in circulation that commemorates the EID Muslim Holiday!

Click Here for details

Have we forgotten what Country this is already?  I am completely disgusted, as you should be too.

Please boycott this stamp and REFUSE to purchase it.

This doesn't feel like America anymore

During a nice weekend with my family, I became aware of just how annoyingly accomodating our country has become to those who are leeching off of our taxpayer dollars. 

For example:

When you call your bank, or any other large business for that matter, doesn't a spanish-speaking voice come on either immediately or immediately following a greeting, to tell you to press "numero dos"?

Next time you drive down your main street, count how many businesses have a visible sign that boasts "Se Habla Espanol".

On our way home from the local pool, I noticed an obviously Mexican auto dealership, which displayed a very prominent Mexican flag.  I looked around for the American flag, but couldn't locate one anywhere on the premises.

Hey!  If Mexico is that fucking great that you have to fly it's national flag over your American based establishment - Go back!  No one is forcing you to live here and enjoy our freedoms and liberties, or what's left of them anyway.

That's right.  You heard me correctly.  I am so sick of our goddamn country catering to the needs of nearly everyone but its own tax paying citizens. 

I have absolutely no problem if immigrants want to come here and work hard, pay their taxes, and make a good contribution to our society;  I do however, have a problem, when it takes listening through an entire message in Spanish, just to get to a Customer Service Representative (who happens to be located in India) for my cellular phone company.

Try pushing this issue on your Congressmen when they fly through your town to campaign this year.  I will.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

An Impressive Candidate for Illinois Senate

While researching the candidates for the upcoming elections in Illinois, I came across Mike Labno.  He is supported by the Illinois Libertarian Party, however, I agree with the majority of his goals and statements.  I e-mailed him and he responded within the hour.  He told me his story, which is very similar to many Middle-Class Americans, especially those who live in Illinois.  While I am sure there will be some things I will find I do not agree with, the only other reasonable candidates are both are attorneys representing ideals I can no longer support, given the current economic situation.  If you live in Illinois, please check out his website below, and draw your own conclusions.  Either way, I hope your decision will be carried all the way to the polls in November.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Join The Revolution!

Do YOU care about YOUR future?

The majority of the American population aged 18 - 36 is too busy twittering about Justin Bieber, playing with their iPhone 4, or attempting to text while driving to actually involve themselves with the current state of the economy or their own economic future for that matter.  The fact of the matter is, the U.S.A. is in a downward financial spiral.  No thanks to our unions, lobbyists, and any other industry that can afford to place their hands in the pockets of our politicians. 

Fact - If you are legally working in the U.S., 1.45% of your total Gross Earnings and 6.2% of your Gross Earnings up to $106,800 is being withheld for Medicare and Social Security programs, respectively.  If you are close to retirement age, this is probably not a big deal for you;  However, if you are my age, or under the age of 50 for that matter, keep in mind that the Social Security program will be paying out more than it is collecting by the year 2017, according to the  2009 Annual Report from the Social Security and Medicare Board of Trustees.  In other words, its liabilities will exceed its assets, and essentially the Social Security system will be bankrupt.  You should ask your elected officials exactly how this could happen, if your Social Security benefits are to be paid based solely on the amount of payroll taxes you previously contributed.  In essence, the very fact that this will happen, means that funds were misused, misallocated, or both.

Another disillusioning fact - The U.S. is currently paying to keep commodities like sugar, other farm crops, and products (GM autos) produced in OUR country at affordable prices, so outside producers like South America (Brazil), China, and Japan can be heavily taxed in order to import these goods into the U.S.  Instead of letting the Free Market rule, we are essentially paying to keep the market in check, while farmers and other like unions are paid twice as much as the lower-cost producers, to sit on their asses all day long - then collect Social Security and Medicare benefits on OUR dime again, at retirement.

So, why should I have to pay for the teachers and firefighters who are able to retire at age 55 AND still allowed to collect Social Security benefits?  Why should YOU have to pay to keep funding programs you may very well never receive any benefit from?  Why should WE have to pay for the farmers and auto industries that cannot produce efficiently, just for the sake of not upsetting the unions?  These are the questions YOU should be asking YOUR representatives. 

I urge you to become more involved in your own future.  Research current issues like Cap and Trade, Immigration, Unemployment, economics, capitalism, etc.  Make yourself educated so that you can make an informed decision in November.  After all, it's your future, and your money.  You have a right to know.

Monday, July 5, 2010

The Curse of the Unemployed

We just completed our protest in our nation's capitol this past 4th of July weekend. While our protest was very small (my wife, our two youngest and myself), we were recognized by many who were in town to enjoy the festivities. This was our first trip to DC. While I wish it was under better circumstances, we remained upbeat and pushed on the fight for many millions of unemployed Americans who don't have the time or funds to do so themselves. The unfortunate part of the whole thing is so many have no idea what goes on in Washington.  They are dumbfounded by this and many other issues.

The problem is that there are huge numbers who agree with us and feel for the plight of the unemployed, but yet so many unwilling to give their time to even listen to the horrific stories of the growing number of suffering Americans. From Republicans blatantly calling the unemployed lazy, drug users who make no attempt at finding work, to the Democrats who refuse to use any of their slush (I mean stimulus) funds to meet the GOP in the middle. Then you have the media who find the unemployment story as sexy as two hippos in the sack. While at the 4th of July parade in downtown DC, my wife and I carried, raised and had pictures taken with our protest signs. Yet when I found a local TV news team taping bits for the news, they paid us no attention even though I walked right into their view and asked for a bit of time. I was brushed aside with the excuse that they don't do protest pieces when shooting the parade. Instead they drag an older lady in for an interview, who's dressed in 4th of July regalia and holding a squirter bottle with a fan attached. The newsman asks her what she is doing down on the parade route (uhhh, watching the parade?) and about that oh so crazy fan she was carrying (very unusual when it's over 90 degrees, not!).

The curse that the unemployed carry is the stigma that we are lazy dirt bags looking for a handout, toothless idiots undeserving of media attention, or even worse - a group that the government would rather just brush under a rug, than ever hear from again. While our efforts this weekend were small, I do feel we brought more attention to the plight of close to 30 million Americans (that is much closer to the real number affected). Our family will keep doing our best to help anyone from ever forgetting about this issue and those affected, whether you are recently unemployed or one of the 99'ers.
A final note to all. If you ever protesting in DC and try to enter a museum don't do it with your signs, because the First Amendment doesn't hold true within those walls for some reason. I was asked to get rid of them or I couldn't enter. I chose the later. So much for free speech in public places. This government has gotten way to big for its britches. Our fore fathers were rolling in their grave this weekend as our current politicians do their best to ruin what they so bravely began.

Written by EW (most grateful husband of JW)

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy Birthday America!

I love the U.S.A., I am just sick of the people who are ruining it. 

Today, we head out to the 4th of July parade in D.C. on Constitution Ave.  We plan to bring our signs...

 For the millions upon millions of Americans who are unemployed, and cannot find a job, no matter how hard they've tried, we are doing this for YOU!

Even if no one cares, we do.  I will remember this trip forever, and I am so grateful for the men who fought and died so we could have freedom and liberty.  They had the courage to stand up for what they believed in, even if it seemed impossible!

Happy 4th of July!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

We Can't Just Sit Here....

My husband, our two children, our Bichon Frise Chloe, and I are all packed up, in the car, and heading to D.C. to protest the Senators who don't care enough about the millions of Unemployed Americans to pass the extensions before they take their vacations.  I don't know where we will stay, but hopefully there will be others who are planning on joining the camp-out at the D.C. Mall.  We plan to wave our flags upside down as a symbol of our current economic situation, and we will be recording everything and posting it back on the web.  I hope you all join us in our attempt at fighting for something we believe in.  WE are NOT lazy!  WE WANT TO WORK!  There are NO jobs! 


If you are fed up with the current situation in the House or the Senate, or just plain angry at the U.S.A., please share here.  I'll be re-posting your stories throughout the Holiday to remind everyone what a shitty job your elected officials have done this week!

State of The Union....

I'm not a politician.  I wasn't born into wealth.  I grew up in the comfortable, average middle class like the majority of Americans.  I learned about our history and how this country should operate, and despite some negative media influence, I never felt compelled to get involved...until now.

I called several Democrat and Republican Senators yesterday, on behalf of millions of unemployed Americans, and basically begged them to put their selfish agendas aside and pass the Unemployment extensions.  Some of their staff members gave me an attitude, some of them were very kind, but all of them were full of complete and utter BULLSHIT!  I have come to the conclusion that our officials are very ignorant and refuse to listen to the people who matter - you and me.

I don't pretend to understand how to solve all of our country's problems, but I do know when you are trying to balance a budget and save money you cut spending on things that are UNNECESSARY;  Like wars, foreign aid, tax cuts to big banks, etc.  I don't really care if by passing this bill, $33 billion dollars will be added to the $13 trillion dollar Federal Deficit because my children are already screwed!  I don't care if they can't seem to figure out how to agree on when to send American troops home from a pointless war zone next year.  I care about what is happening right here, right now in my city, in my State, in MY country!

Do they really believe that the American people will vote for whichever party stands their ground on this one?  Personally, I have decided my vote goes to whomever gives in first, and decides to put the American people before their stupid political garbage.  I guess we will see what happens.

My heart goes out to those of you who are in need of a job, and cannot depend on your country at this time.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Some Interesting Blogs.....

Two of my new Tweeps (I think it's referred to anyway) have very interesting blogs:

And a shout out to my hubby, who is much better and more experienced than I am at this......

Please check them out and support them if you can!

Today's Agenda

If any of you are following the news on Unemployment Extensions, you probably already know that the House failed to pass H.R. 5618 yesterday, which included an extension of benefits through November 30, 2010, under a suspension of the rules - explained here Definition

Under a suspension, a Super-Majority, or 2/3 vote is required to pass the bill.  That did not happen, and most Americans are genuinely upset.  Don't lose hope yet, as there is news of another vote taking place in the House today;  And also of Harry Reid and Max Baucus trying to gain the much needed support of 3 Republicans required to pass a bill through the Senate as early as Thursday morning.

For those of you who have a Republican Representative or Senator, or even those of you who live in Nebraska (thanks to Ben Nelson), now is the time to call them!  The Republicans most likely to listen are:

Susan Collins - Maine

Olympia Snowe - Maine

Scott Brown - Massachusetts

In other current news, President Obama will be visiting Racine, Wisconsin (UE 14%) today to speak about JOBS, JOBS, JOBS!  He will be at the Racine Memorial Town Hall.  So, for those of you who are unemployed and live in Wisconsin, now's the time to share your anger and frustration over the current situation.  Don't hold back!  Go there and stand outside if you don't have a ticket!  Then come back and share your story.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Please Share Your Story

With the current real unemployment rate much closer to 20%, I'd like to hear some of your stories.  How do you feel about being called lazy?  How do you feel about being forgotten as the House and Senate both consider other 'more important' issues as they prepare for their July 4th break?  How do you feel about trying to provide for your family? 

I am very disappointed in my country.  Don't get me wrong, I love America, it allows me to share my point of view even if it means disagreeing with our government;  But I have watched these politicians play games like a bunch of children (making up the rules as they go), and it angers me deeply that they could be so out of touch with main stream America.

Don't give up!  Share your anger, frustration, and ideas with anyone who will listen.  Remember, this is how our country came to be.  Settlers were the minority against Great Britain, The Mother Country, and refused to be bound by tyranny!  They refused to give up because they believed they could do better!

This is as Ignorant as They Come

While researching any new information available on the Unemployment issue, I came across an article on on Sander Levin introducing H.R. 5618, or Restoration of Emergency Unemployment Compensation Act.  I scrolled to the bottom and I could not believe what I read:

Beck4's Comments on Unemployed

This is the definition of ignorant.  Even I understand that our country needs both socialism and capitalism to survive, they feed off of one another.  With the unemployment numbers as staggering as they are, one might like to remind this fool that there will be no consumers left to buy his products!  What an incredibly ignorant statement!  Also, there are lazy people, but the majority of the unemployed are graduates, school teachers, etc.  These are people who would much rather go to work than rely on the government for food and shelter.   The company I work for is suffering, my family is suffering, big business will suffer, banks will suffer because no one will invest or save - how can you ignore this?

Send Your Resumes to the U.S. Senate!

Spread the Word!  Tell your Unemployed friends, neighbors, relatives, to click the link below:

 Find your Senator 

Send your resume to your Senator!  Let's show them the real UE rate!

My Top 5

Ways the government can and will improve the U.S. economy and unemployment situation:

  1. Close the damn borders!  All illegals without proper documentation will be given 90 days to leave (in 90 days we will see many new job openings).
  2. Limit or temporarily shut down the trade agreement with China.  The fact that most of our goods are purchased from China vs. the U.S. is embarrassing and not doing us any favors.
  3. Impose heavy fines or taxes on big corporations who are sending jobs overseas, or require they pay the same minimum wages;  You'll see how quickly those jobs make it back to America.
  4. Encourage education and promote forward thinking so that our nation can produce the next Great Innovation instead of China, India, or Japan.
  5. Impose the death penalty for all Rapists and Murderers who have been convicted via DNA evidence.  If any liberals want to scream "Inhumane!", then let them build a prison in their backyard and pay millions to keep these criminals locked up for the next 40 - 50 years!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Senator Brown Gives His Constituents the Shaft and They Fight Back!

This video is a little shaky.  Way to go MA!

Please Leave Your Comments

I recently updated my settings so that anyone could leave a comment.  I apologize for the inconvenience.  I would like to hear your comments, feedback, suggestions, etc.  Please let us know what you would like to see on this site.  Feel free to share your stories!

How to be Heard!

" The ballot is stronger than the bullet." - Abraham Lincoln, 1856.

I recently read that even in a presidential election year, it is uncommon for more than 51% of all registered voters to actually show up and cast thier decision on the ballot.  An even more astonishing statistic, over 77% of those registered voters are over the age of 55, according to the Election of November 2006 statistics published by the U.S. Census Bureau!  What does this mean for you?  Well, if you are one of the other 49% who stayed home, then maybe it's time to change your priorities.  If you are angry with your elected officials, in the House, the Senate, the local Schoolboard, etc., then tell them so!  Cast your vote! 

I personally would like to see the percentage of young voters, ages 18 - 36 significantly increase over the next few years.  It's not that hard, in fact, the Federal Election Commission even has a National Mail Voter Registration Form, so you can vote from anywhere in the U.S.

Or you can visit the Election Assistance Commission's website, and simply click on your State to find out more information on how to register, deadlines, and guidelines

What's on the Senate schedule for Today?

According to the U.S. Senate website,, the Senate will convene and begin a period of morning business at 2:00 p.m. this afternoon.  After that, they will resume consideration of the motion to proceed to H.R. 5297, the Small Business Lending Fund Act of 2010.   Passing of this bill could mean more jobs for those Unemployed Americans, due to the $30 billion fund to boost small business lending.

I don't know about you, but my morning usually begins at around 6:30 a.m.  Also, exactly how much of that $30 billion fund do you think will actually make it into the hands of small business owners looking to expand their operations and hire more workers?  I have an inkling, and it's not very much at all. 

As of yet, there are no plans to introduce a standalone measure for extending Unemployment benefits, so while Congress is having fun during the 4th of July holiday, the rest of you will just have to sit tight and try to think of reasons why you still love the U.S.A.!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Senate Democrats and Republicans bicker over 0.0004 % of Fed. Deficit

On Thursday, Harry Reid and the Senate Democrats attempted to gain at least one Republican vote for H.R. 4213 and save millions of Unemployed Americans, at least until November.  Senate Minority leader, Mitch McConnell (R-KY), and the rest of the Republicans want the bill paid for(a small compromise if you ask me), so ultimately voted it down for the third and final time.
As I watched both sides argue back and forth on C-Span over the past week, I became increasingly aware that neither side is particulary concerned with the average American, but rather how they might look in the public eye come November, election time.  Both sides have very good points, however the issue isn't about saving a bank, paying for a war, or controlling Wall Street;  This about people!  People who have paid their taxes, are trying to make ends meet, and simply cannot find a job - most likely as a result of small businesses that failed, big businesses that sent jobs overseas, or the fact that an illegal immigrant is willing to do the work for much less than minimum wage. 
Are you one of these people?  How do YOU feel about your country turning its back on you?  How do you feel about an undocumented citizen receiving better treatment and qualifying for more government aid than you do?  Speak up and share your story here!